The Mamuska Nights network goes east

From John's Square to Tokyo!
Originally created by Davide Terlingo for Daghdha Dance Company in 2004, Mamuska Limerick has seen a good few years of truly inspiring programming, presenting to an ever enthusiastic audience a stunning 160 shows with the participation of over 100 individual artists. For the one of us who have seen this innovative platform growing from the friendly days at the Boat Club to the mature days at the Daghdha Space, it is a delight to know that the success of Mamuska Limerick is leading to the development of an international Mamuska Nights network. Mamuska Nights in each city share a common ethos and vision, however these special evenings also maintain a fluidity to respond to local and national context. To this purpose, each city has a different curator with the role of creating a point of reference for the local artists and audience, selecting the works that compile each city programme.
Under Terlingo's directorship, the network started to develop in association with the Yorkshire Dance Centre in Leeds, UK in December 2006 following a visit from their artistic director Bush Hartshorn to Mamuska Limerick. Following its success and in collaboration with Dance and Media Japan director Naoto Iina, the platform will voyage to Asia to premiere Mamuska Tokyo on the 7th of March, 2007. And this is not all! This year will also see the birth of Mamuska Dublin and Mamuska Galway, consolidating Mamuska Nights aims to build a strong national and international network for cultural and artistic exchange.
Keep an eye on Mamuska as its surprises aren't finished yet.