MAMUSKA HELSINKI - Programme 20.03.09

ZODIAK - Center for New Dance

Another wonderful performance night at the Zodiak, where Mamuska Helsinki brought together a crowd of over 200 people. Next Mamuska Helsinki will take place on September 3rd. For more information please visit

Here is last night programme:

NBrain visioning about self unitycontemporary dance (10´)
Anna Estarriola, Pälvi Salminen and Jukka Tarvainen

Cosmetic Factorydance (10´)
Iina Taijonlahti

Kaksinedance (10´)
Linda Priha and Pauliina Silvennoinen

Diam!performance art (3´)
Stefan Riebel

Sooma - movement and sound (10´)
Elina Hauta-aho and Anni Rissanen | dance, Petri Kautto| sound,
Joakim Berghäll | sound

A-Olut punk music (10´)
Rähjä | vocals, Niittari | bass, Aristoteles | guitar, Pena | saxophone

Nimetöncontemporary dance (10´)
Leila Kourkia | dance artist, Katri Luukkonen | dance/theater artist, Markku Syrjälä | musician

Work in progress dance (10´)
Vera Lapitskaya

87157contemporary dance (6,5´)
Samira Elagoz

Samuli Laiho solofolk music (10´)
Samuli Laiho

Demoniperformance art (10´)
Tellervo Kalleinen

Johanna Naalisvaara's lightwork Vihreä on display in the
foyer all evening.