MAMUSKA TOKYO - Coming up!

[venue] Asahi Art Square (Asakusa)
[date] 17.June.2007 / 16:00open 17:30start

We are delighted to announce the upcoming Mamuska Tokyo that will take place in the renowned Asahi Art Square in Asakusa. The venue is known as a kind of “communication bar” where people can easily enjoy a wide variety of arts. This program provides performance spaces for artists seeking innovative creation in music, video, performance and other new forms of art.

This Mamuska Tokyo will be co-curated by director and producer Naoto Iina and dance artists Tatsuya Kusuhara and represents another successful collaboration between Dance and Media Japan and Mamuska Nights Network

[DJ] Maya Araki, bemsha
[still camera] Chizu Koike

Many thanks to the numerous voluntary staff who make the event possible.